Data use agreement for non-human or non-identifiable human data

Version RU-DI-NH-1.0

I request access to the data collected in the digital repository of the Radboud University, established at Nijmegen, the Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as the Donders Institute), and I agree to the following:

1. I will comply with all relevant rules and regulations imposed by my institution and government. This may mean that I need my research to be approved or declared exempt by a Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee.

2. I will not redistribute or share the data with others, including individuals in my research group, unless they have independently applied and been granted access to the data.

3. I will acknowledge the use of the data and data derived from the data when publicly presenting any results or algorithms that benefitted from their use.
(a) Papers, book chapters, books, posters, oral presentations, and all other presentations of results derived from the data should should acknowledge the origin of the data as follows: "Data were provided (in part) by the Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands".
(b) Authors of publications or presentations using the data should cite relevant publications describing the methods developed and used by the Radboud University to acquire and process the data. The specific publications that are appropriate to cite in any given study will depend on what the data were used and for what purposes. When applicable, a list of publications will be included in the collection.
(c) Neither the Radboud University, nor the researchers that provide this data should be included as an author of publications or presentations if this authorship would be based solely on the use of this data.

4. Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in termination of my privileges to access to these data.